Tuesday, January 13, 2009

when life gives you lemons.....

Wow! Life has been pretty crazy for us here lately. I feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions! Some of you may know, that when I am not being a photographer, I am a fourth grade teacher. It is a job that I really enjoy, but with it comes a great amount of stress. I've spent much of the past couple of weeks in a constant state of unsettledness and stress. One thing that I have learned though is that when times get rough, God's presence in my life grows stronger. I am constantly reminded that when I feel weak, HE is my strength; and when I don't think I can make it another day, HE gives me the power to push on. Mario and I are unbelievably blessed with amazing families and great friends. My parents are my rock and my best friends. Even though I don't live that close to my family anymore, God has brought friends into my life that have become my "local family". Friends that are right around the corner, and who would drop everything to help if we ever needed it. We are in a Life Group at our church and through that we have build some great relationships that I truly cherish, and couldn't live without!

There are times in our lives where things don't always go as we had planned. Times when work gets stressful, and the pressures of life seem to feel like a ton of bricks on your shoulders. I wouldn't say that times like these are my favorite, but I am grateful for them. I am grateful for them because that is when I am reminded I have a God who is bigger than any circumstance life can throw at me. I am reminded that only God can bring a peace that passes all understanding. I am reminded that God is strong when I am weak. I am reminded that He has a plan for me far greater than anything I could ever dream on my own. I am reminded that even though I can find a million things to complain about, God has always made sure my needs were met. I have a God who loved me enough to die for me; a God who loves me enough to forgive my every wrong. A God who loves me enough to take me through a rough, stressful time, just so He can prove to me His mighty power. A God who loves me more than I can fathom...

On a lighter note what is a photography blog without a picture.... I mean how can I complain when I get to come home to these two guys everyday! :)

Mario and I are getting away for a long weekend and going to Gatlinburg to relax and spend some quality time together without worrying about work! Check back for pictures from our trip. Our engagement/bridal/wedding season will be starting up soon and we will have lots of new photos and slideshows for you guys!

So when life gives you lemons....make lemonade.

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